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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
335 YAXT Bug New Normal passing pointers of zero-size arrays to redists 04/23/2015 11:45 AM Actions
331 YAXT Bug New Normal Make xt_xmap_distdir work when less data than expected gets packed 08/04/2014 11:31 AM Actions
286 ScalES-PPM Bug New Normal Fix test for FPU precision correction code Thomas Jahns 10/17/2011 01:19 PM Actions
297 ScalES-PPM Bug Assigned Normal Fix i4 assumptions in multiple routines Thomas Jahns 01/02/2012 05:02 PM Actions
350 ScalES-PPM Bug Resolved Normal pkg-config file libraries results in overlinking 02/07/2022 02:53 PM Actions
349 ScalES-PPM Bug Resolved Normal Missing MPI include file for non-MPI builds 02/07/2022 02:54 PM Actions
345 ScalES-PPM Bug Resolved Normal No rule to make target 'dist_array.f90' when building HTML documentation 08/05/2020 09:21 AM Actions
342 ScalES-PPM Bug Resolved Normal autoreconf fails due to missing file m4/ac_fc_module_output_flag.m4 08/05/2020 09:55 AM Actions
346 ScalES-PPM Bug Feedback Normal Failure to apply doxygen CSS patch when building HTML documentation 08/04/2020 08:10 PM Actions
341 YAXT Feature New Normal Call MPI_Testany from time to time to improve performance 08/25/2017 04:23 PM Actions
340 YAXT Feature New Low Improve message send order in Xt_exchanger 08/25/2017 10:03 AM Actions
338 YAXT Feature New Normal User-creatable index lists 02/05/2016 05:23 PM Actions
337 YAXT Feature New Normal check possibility of usage of mpi_type_create_hvector in xt_redist_collection_static_new 04/27/2015 02:34 PM Actions
330 libaec Feature New Normal Come up with soname and soversion 05/21/2014 11:35 PM Actions
321 YAXT Feature New Normal runtime switch for the generation of MPI datatypes Joerg Behrens 06/27/2013 03:32 PM Actions
319 YAXT Feature New Low support for two-phase-redistribution 04/16/2013 02:27 PM Actions
317 YAXT Feature New Normal support for in-place redistributions 03/11/2013 04:25 PM Actions
310 YAXT Feature New Normal new xmap constructor: xt_xmap_dist_dir_dim_new 11/26/2012 04:15 PM Actions
307 YAXT Feature New Normal idxsection_get_index_stripes_const 10/25/2012 05:13 PM Actions
306 YAXT Feature New Normal garbage collector 10/25/2012 05:11 PM Actions
305 YAXT Feature New Normal fundamental vector type 08/04/2014 11:37 AM Actions
304 YAXT Feature New Normal basic warning/error management 10/15/2012 02:07 PM Actions
301 YAXT Feature New Low support for elemental post-processing 03/27/2012 11:25 AM Actions
298 ScalES-PPM Feature New Normal Use binary search in sorted_insertion Thomas Jahns 01/18/2012 08:58 PM Actions
294 ScalES-PPM Feature New Low Add OpenMP multithreaded index construction routine Thomas Jahns 01/02/2012 02:11 PM Actions
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