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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
294 ScalES-PPM Feature New Low Add OpenMP multithreaded index construction routine Thomas Jahns 01/02/2012 02:11 PM Actions
258 ScalES-PPM Task Assigned Normal Produce release-ready version of ScalES-PPM Thomas Jahns 03/18/2022 10:15 AM Actions
283 ScalES-PPM Documentation New Normal Account for preprocessor directives Thomas Jahns 09/26/2017 03:22 AM Actions
333 YAXT Feature Resolved Normal Caching of communicators Thomas Jahns 11/28/2016 11:27 AM Actions
298 ScalES-PPM Feature New Normal Use binary search in sorted_insertion Thomas Jahns 01/18/2012 08:58 PM Actions
297 ScalES-PPM Bug Assigned Normal Fix i4 assumptions in multiple routines Thomas Jahns 01/02/2012 05:02 PM Actions
296 ScalES-PPM Feature Assigned Normal Multi-threaded repartitioning routine Thomas Jahns 01/02/2012 02:20 PM Actions
295 ScalES-PPM Task New Normal Apply optimizations to repartitioning routines Thomas Jahns 01/02/2012 02:17 PM Actions
286 ScalES-PPM Bug New Normal Fix test for FPU precision correction code Thomas Jahns 10/17/2011 01:19 PM Actions
282 ScalES-PPM Documentation New Normal Add introductory page to unit-documentation Thomas Jahns 09/19/2011 01:14 PM Actions
276 Quick Enqueue Feature Assigned Normal Option argument --wall-time-limit should parse string Thomas Jahns 06/03/2011 06:20 PM Actions
269 Quick Enqueue Feature Assigned Normal Handle llsubmit error/status output. Thomas Jahns 06/01/2011 06:29 PM Actions
267 Quick Enqueue Feature Assigned Normal Adjust query frequency. Thomas Jahns 06/01/2011 06:23 PM Actions
260 ScalES-PPM Task Resolved Normal Investigate wether the library contains symbols not conforming to the PPM-prefix requirement and fix violations Thomas Jahns 03/24/2011 05:57 PM Actions
220 ScalES-PPM Feature Assigned Normal Add distributed summation routines Thomas Jahns 12/08/2010 11:52 AM Actions
8 getrusage Support Assigned Normal Add memory use sampling for Linux /proc interface Thomas Jahns 06/16/2009 10:42 AM Actions

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