- getrusage
Prints resources usage at exit of program given on command line.
- libaec
Adaptive Entropy Coding library
- Quick Enqueue
Produce job file quickly and launch job via IBM LoadLeveler queuing system. The intention of this tool is to
- provide an almost interactive look and feel, i.e. job output and exit code are presented as if the program ran locally (but input is not forwarded at this time),...
- ScalES-PPM
Convenience library to provide parallelization and performance oriented modules to parallel software packages, particularly for earth system models.
Functionality includes:
- parallel Linear Algebra Solver
- partitioning routines
- convenient interfaces to commonly used data-structures and APIs...
- ScalES-public
Public information assembled in/for the ScalES project.
High-resolution climate change simulations with the global Earth System Model MPI-ESM
Successor to Unitrans
Also available in: Atom