STORM list of experiments¶
MPIOM experiments¶
MPIOM TP6ML80 OMIP spin-up 0000-00024
Experiment | tp6ml80_srtm30plus |
Model | MPIOM |
Years | 0000 - 0024 |
Code | MPIOM SVN r1535 |
Scripts | /work/im0454/m211054/experiments/tp6ml80_srtm30plus |
Results | /work/im0454/m211054/experiments/tp6ml80_srtm30plus/outdata |
Archive | /hpss/arch/mh0033/storm/m211054/tp6ml80_srtm30plus |
History | 2010/02/06 - 2010/03/27 |
Responsible | Helmuth Haak, Irina Fast |
Status | completed |
MPIOM TP6ML80 NCEP hindcast 1948-2010
Experiment | tp6ml80_srtm30plus_ncep |
Model | MPIOM |
Years | 1948 - 2010 |
Code | MPIOM SVN r1750, r1815, r1842, r1873, r2079, r2158, tag mpiom-1.5.0p4 (with some additional diagnostics) |
Scripts | /work/im0454/m211054/experiments/tp6ml80_srtm30plus_ncep |
Results | /work/im0454/m211054/experiments/tp6ml80_srtm30plus_ncep/outdata |
Archive | /hpss/arch/mh0033/storm/m211054/tp6ml80_srtm30plus_ncep (to decommpress use 'pigz -d -N -p 16 <name>.gz') |
History | 2010/05/22 - 2011/03/29 ; restart from OMIP spin-up |
Responsible | Helmuth Haak, Irina Fast |
Status | completed |
Desriptions | Output data |
MPIOM TP6ML80 NCEP hindcast 1957-1972 (as tp6ml80_srtm30plus_ncep but without Jerlov SWR parametrization)
Experiment | tp6ml80_srtm30plus_ncep_r2 |
Model | MPIOM |
Years | 1957 - 1972 |
Code | MPIOM SVN tag mpiom-1.5.0p4 (with some additional diagnostics) |
Scripts | /work/im0454/m211054/experiments/tp6ml80_srtm30plus_ncep_r2 |
Results | /work/im0454/m211054/experiments/tp6ml80_srtm30plus_ncep_r2/outdata |
Archive | /hpss/arch/mh0033/storm/m211054/tp6ml80_srtm30plus_ncep_r2 |
History | 2011/03/20 - 2012/01/24 ; restart from tp6ml80_srtm30plus_ncep 1956/12/31 |
Responsible | Helmuth Haak, Irina Fast |
Status | completed |
Remarks | In tp6ml80_srtm30plus_ncep Jerlov SWR paremetrization was unintentionally activated for the time period 1957/01/01-1972/09/30 |
Desriptions | Output data |
ECHAM6 experiments¶
Experiment | amip_r1i1p31 |
Model | ECHAM6 |
Years | 1976 - 1985 |
Code | tag echam-6.0.09 (for changes see source/svn_diff.txt in experiment directory) |
Scripts | /work/im0454/k202072/projects/echam_tuning/echam-6.0.09/experiments/amip_r1i1p31/scripts |
Results | /work/im0454/k202072/projects/echam_tuning/echam-6.0.09/experiments/amip_r1i1p31/outdata |
Archive | /hpss/arch/im0454/storm/arc/echam_tuning/echam-6.0.09/experiments/amip_r1i1p31/outdata (GHI) |
History | 2011/07/20 - 2011/08/12 |
Responsible | Irina Fast |
Status | stopped |
Experiment | amip_r1i1p33 |
Model | ECHAM6 |
Years | 1976 - 1985 |
Code | tag echam-6.0.09 (for changes see source/svn_diff.txt in experiment directory) |
Scripts | /work/im0454/k202072/projects/echam_tuning/echam-6.0.09/experiments/amip_r1i1p33/scripts |
Results | /work/im0454/k202072/projects/echam_tuning/echam-6.0.09/experiments/amip_r1i1p33/outdata |
Archive | /hpss/arch/im0454/storm/arc/echam_tuning/echam-6.0.09/experiments/amip_r1i1p33/outdata (GHI) |
History | 2011/07/26 - 2011/08/27 |
Responsible | Irina Fast |
Status | stopped |
ECHAM6 T255L95 AMIP 1976 - 2008
Experiment | p0007 |
Model | ECHAM6 |
Years | 1976 - 2008 |
Code | SVN tag echam-6.0.13 (changes: gstd=25.0, gkdrag=0.25, gkwake=0.25_dp) |
Scripts | /work/im0454/k202072/projects/echam_tuning/echam-6.0.13/experiments/p0007/ |
Results | /work/im0454/k202072/projects/echam_tuning/echam-6.0.13/experiments/p0007/outdata |
/work/im0454/k202072/projects/echam_tuning/echam-6.0.13/experiments/p0007/post | |
Archive | /hpss/arch/mh0033/storm/k202072/echam-6.0.13/experiments/p0007/outdata |
History | 2011/11/03 - 2012/03/30 |
Responsible | Irina Fast |
Status | completed |
Remarks | high-frequency output (20min) available for Aug.-Oct. 1985 (experiment p0007_vis) |
Descriptions | Parameter settings and output data |
MPI-ESM experiments (On-line experiment monitoring)¶
MPI-ESM-LR T63L47-GR15L40 pre-industrial control experiment (1850 conditions)
Experiment | piControl_r1i1p3-LR |
Model | MPI-ESM-LR |
Years | 1850-2850 |
Code | SVN branch |
Scripts | /work/im0454/k202072/projects/mpiesm-1.0.00-storm/experiments/piControl_r1i1p3-LR/scripts |
Results | /work/im0454/k202072/projects/mpiesm-updt/experiments/spin0001-ST/outdata |
Archive | /hpss/arch/mh0033/storm/k202072/mpiesm-1.0.00-storm/experiments/piControl_r1i1p3-LR |
History | 2012/02/29 - 2012/07/10 |
Responsible | Irina Fast |
Status | completed |
Remarks | Hourly coupling between atmosphere and ocean |
MPI-ESM-XR T255L95-TP6ML40 spin-up for 1850 conditions
Experiment | spin0001-ST |
Model | MPI-ESM-XR (= mpiesm-aso, ECHAM6/JSBACH-MPIOM, no HAMOCC) |
Years | 1850-1891 |
Code | SVN branch |
Scripts | /work/im0454/k202072/projects/mpiesm-updt/experiments/spin0001-ST/scripts |
Results | /work/im0454/k202072/projects/mpiesm-updt/experiments/spin0001-ST/outdata |
Archive | /hpss/arch/mh0033/storm/k202072/mpiesm-updt/experiments/spin0001-ST |
History | 2012/08/05; MPIOM restart from tp6ml80_srtm30plus_ncep 2009/12/31 |
Responsible | Irina Fast |
Status | stopped |
Remarks | Parameter settings |
MPI-ESM-XR T255L95-TP6ML40 spin-up for 1850 conditions
Experiment | spin0003-ST |
Model | MPI-ESM-XR (= mpiesm-aso, ECHAM6/JSBACH-MPIOM, no HAMOCC) |
Years | 1850-1917 |
Code | SVN branch |
Scripts | /work/im0454/k202072/projects/mpiesm-updt/experiments/spin0003-ST/scripts |
Results | /work/im0454/k202072/projects/mpiesm-updt/experiments/spin0003-ST/outdata |
Archive | /hpss/arch/mh0033/storm/k202072/mpiesm-updt/experiments/spin0003-ST |
History | 2012/10/18; MPIOM restart from restart file for CMIP5 piControl_r1i1p1-MR experiment (bilinear interpolated) |
Responsible | Irina Fast |
Status | stopped |
Remarks | Parameter settings |
MPI-ESM-SR T63L95-TP6ML40 spin-up for 1850 conditions
Experiment | spin0004-SR |
Model | MPI-ESM-SR (= mpiesm-aso, ECHAM6/JSBACH-MPIOM, no HAMOCC) |
Years | 1850-1944 |
Code | SVN branch |
Scripts | /work/im0454/k202072/projects/mpiesm-updt/experiments/spin0004-SR/scripts |
Results | /work/im0454/k202072/projects/mpiesm-updt/experiments/spin0004-SR/outdata |
Archive | /hpss/arch/mh0033/storm/k202072/mpiesm-updt/experiments/spin0004-SR |
History | 2013/02/08; MPIOM restart from tp6ml80_srtm30plus_ncep 2009/12/31 |
Responsible | Irina Fast |
Status | stopped |
Remarks |
MPI-ESM-MR T63L95-TP04L40 spin-up for 1850 conditions
Experiment | spin0005-MR |
Model | MPI-ESM-MR (= mpiesm-aso, ECHAM6/JSBACH-MPIOM, no HAMOCC) |
Years | 1850-1946 |
Code | SVN branch |
Scripts | /work/im0454/k202072/projects/mpiesm-updt/experiments/spin0005-MR/scripts |
Results | /work/im0454/k202072/projects/mpiesm-updt/experiments/spin0005-MR/outdata |
Archive | /hpss/arch/mh0033/storm/k202072/mpiesm-updt/experiments/spin0005-MR |
History | 2013/04/05; MPIOM restart from tp04_ncep 2009/12/31 |
Responsible | Irina Fast |
Status | stopped |
Remarks |
Experiment | spin0006-XM |
Model | MPI-ESM-MR (= mpiesm-aso, ECHAM6/JSBACH-MPIOM, no HAMOCC) |
Years | 1850-1887 |
Code | SVN branch |
Scripts | /work/im0454/m211054/projects/mpiesm-updt/experiments/spin0006-XM/scripts |
Results | /work/im0454/m211054/projects/mpiesm-updt/experiments/spin0006-XM/scripts |
Archive | /hpss/arch/mh0033/storm/m211054/spin0006-XM |
History | 2014/06/12; MPIOM restart from tp04_ncep 2009/12/31 |
Responsible | Helmuth Haak |
Status | stopped |
Remarks |