


YAXT Version 0.5.0 available

Separate C and Fortran libraries and Intercommunicator support.
Added by Thomas Jahns over 8 years ago

The following improvements have been made to YAXT:
  • The C part is now available as a separate library so that the differences in linking between Fortran and C can properly be accounted for.
  • As a consequence of the above, friendlier generic interfaces are available for Fortran and mpif.h is no longer needed for building YAXT.
  • Intercommunicators are supported for constructing Xmaps (destination indices can only be satisified from sources in the remote group) for both, xt_xmap_all2all_new and xt_xmap_dist_dir_new.
  • Correctness and performance have been improved for index stripe lists (xt_idxstripes_new) and the distributed-directory based Xmap construction.
  • Various internal and test-suite improvements.
